Analogue Nt. qui s'était déjà fait connaître pour sa Neo Geo CMVS toute faite de bois fait main, vient de lancer une petite comm sur son site pour une NES en Alu, une sorte de #NES RGB boostée aux composants modernes, sans émulation aucune, lisant les jeux NES et #Famicom, disposant de 4 ports manettes et permettant de bénéficier de ce qui se fait de mieux en terme de son et d'image. Les commandes pourront être faites dès la fin du mois.
source : Analogue Nt via IGN
Voici en substance le communiqué
source : Analogue Nt via IGN
Voici en substance le communiqué
The NES. Often called the most iconic video game system of all time. Today, to experience its greatness, options are limited and riddled with compromises. The Analogue Nt sets a precedent. It opens a door to the highest quality way to experience the NES and Famicom. With a library of nearly 2000 titles, the NES and Famicom are home to some of the most significant games ever created. A rich and diverse history is waiting to be explored. We created the Analogue Nt to experience this pivotal part of gaming history with the quality and justice it deserves.
The Analogue Nt is designed around the heart and brain of the original NES. We've completely reengineered the original NES while remaining true to the original hardware. This means you’ll be experiencing the NES with the hardware it was designed to be played with.
The Analogue Nt is precision fabricated from a solid block of aircraft grade aluminum. Engineered with an uncompromising attitude to quality. There has never been another video game system like it.
We know there are lots of questions and we cant wait to share all of the details with you. We’ve got features and details that are going to blow everyone away. We promise we won’t disappoint. We will be unveiling all the fine details and taking orders at the end of March. Stay tuned.
Dernière édition par Kawet le Mer 25 Mai - 20:06, édité 1 fois