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Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4)

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826Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 17:50


Funk Lord
gatsuforever a écrit:Moi je veux le retour de la bonasse avec sa robe chinoise. Je sais plus comment elle s'appelle... La maîtresse du dojo dans shenmue 2.

Tu parles de Xiuying Hong.


Elle apparaitra sous forme de flashback et via les appels téléphoniques dans le jeu. Et qui sait... peut-être rejoindra-t-elle Ryo à un moment de l'aventure, c'est tout à fait possible scénaristiquement (mais je n'en dis pas plus pour ne pas spoiler ce qui n'ont pas encore fait ce monument du jeu vidéo).

gatsuforever a écrit:Perso je l'attends avec impatience. Je me suis pris deux versions du jeu, la normal ps4 et une avec le artbook et le fait d'avoir son nom dans les crédits ^^ . J'aurai apporté ma pierre à l'édifice Smile

Vous avez pris quelle version pour vous autre?

J'ai pris deux versions également, une sur PC et une sur PS4.

Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 E462f291e48dde46de87fb24a5fb516d_original


- Be in the newest Shenmue capsule toy collection as your own block figure for the in-game capsule toy machines + give an idea for the toy's name + receive the 2D digital illustration of yourself
- Put your name and a 140 character message in the guestbook of a Choubu inn. Write your witticism/aphorism/Shenmue-ism for all to see!
- Backer-only Arcane Technique Scroll (In-game Item)
- Backer-only Advanced Technique Scroll (In-game Item)
- Get an international phone card (in-game item) to call Nozomi, Guizhang Chen, Ine-san, Joy, Fuku-san, or other characters from Shenmue 1 & 2. This item will unlock phone conversations and flashback scenes available only to Kickstarter Backers. Keep your friends close with S3 World Telecom.
- Skin-change feature for Ryo's Jacket (In-game Item)
- 20 Capsule Toy Tickets  (In-game Item)
- Physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case (PC or PS4)
- Digital copy of Shenmue III (PC or PS4)
- Digital copy of the Trial version for PC
- Physical CD soundtrack
- Mp3 download of the original soundtrack with unreleased tracks
- Get all four real figures: Ryo, Shenhua, Chai and the Forklift
- Illustration signed by Yu Suzuki
- Printed artbook curated by Yu Suzuki
- Digital artbook filled with unreleased illustrations
- Shenmue 3 T-shirt
- Your name in the credits
- Your name on the official Shenmue III website
- Kickstarter exclusive Shenmue III desktop wallpaper set
- Be able to participate in surveys and vote in polls for the ideas you want to see in the game
- Yu Suzuki's thanks and praise

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- Get an international phone card (in-game item) to call Nozomi, Guizhang Chen, Ine-san, Joy, Fuku-san, or other characters from Shenmue 1 & 2. This item will unlock phone conversations and flashback scenes available only to Kickstarter Backers. Keep your friends close with S3 World Telecom.
- Physical copy of Shenmue 3 in an exclusive, backer-only case (PC or PS4)
- Kickstarter exclusive Shenmue III desktop wallpaper set
- Your name on the official Shenmue III website
- Be able to participate in surveys and vote in polls for the ideas you want to see in the game
- Yu Suzuki's thanks and praise

827Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 18:21


Homme de verre
Tu vas avoir ta tronche sur un capsule toy ?
C'est énorme ! Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4257297559 tu nous diras le nom !

Moi j'ai pris celle à 100 dollars.

828Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 19:10


Maudit du Forum

Battosai14 a écrit:Pas moi au contraire je le trouve génial le petit vieux, il colle parfaitement à l'univers du jeu et à l'ambiance de l'époque ! Dans les années 90 avec ces films HK dans lesquels tu as des petits vieux tout ridicules et moches mais qu'en fait c'est des gros tueurs en arts martiaux moi j'addoooorrreee !!! (Hein @Oli Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4257297559 Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4257297559 )

J'aime beaucoup aussi ce contraste mais c'est vraiment le design que je n'aime pas. Je le trouve loupé, je pense qu'il changera d'ici la fin.

829Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 19:31


Funk Lord
tetsuoshima --> Oui, t'inquiètes, je vous donnerai le nom. Very Happy
J'ai aussi droit de laisser un message signé de 140 caractères dans le livre d'or de l'auberge du village de Choubu. Je pense écrire quelque chose pour mon père décédé au moment de la sortie du premier jeu... cela explique certainement une part de mon fort attachement à la saga. Pour moi, Lan Di c'est un peu la matérialisation de la crise cardiaque qui a emporté mon père à l'époque. J'ai forcément une envie redoutable d'en découdre avec lui. Et ça fait près de 20 ans que j'attends de le faire payer.

wiiwii --> comme je l'ai dit plus tôt, ce perso est sans doute un simple marchand. Mais encore une fois, pour moi, il n'a rien de choquant dans son design. Ta mauvaise impression est peut-être due à la forme de sa bouche sur le screenshot, on dirait qu'il hèle des passants avec un "Oh !" Par ailleurs, Yu Suzuki a annoncé qu'il y aurait 3 ou 4 niveau de détails selon la catégorie dans laquelle se trouve un personnage donné. La catégorie qui est attribuée à un personnage dépend de son importance dans le jeu. Par exemple, Ryo Hazuki, et tous protagonistes principaux (Lan Di, Shenhua), entrent dans la catégorie #1. Un commerçant, bien qu'il soit un personnage unique possédant un doublage, de nombreuses lignes de texte et son propre background (emploi du temps, etc), se retrouvera quant à lui dans la catégorie #4. Et au milieu se trouvent tous les protagonistes plus ou moins importants. Ce procédé n'a rien de choquant, il a été utilisé dans les deux premiers opus... et n'a même rien d'excentrique dans les prods actuelles.

830Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 19:55


Homme de verre
Tsubasa a écrit:tetsuoshima --> Oui, t'inquiètes, je vous donnerai le nom. Very Happy
J'ai aussi droit de laisser un message signé de 140 caractères dans le livre d'or de l'auberge du village de Choubu. Je pense écrire quelque chose pour mon père décédé au moment de la sortie du premier jeu... cela explique certainement une part de mon fort attachement à la saga. Pour moi, Lan Di c'est un peu la matérialisation de la crise cardiaque qui a emporté mon père à l'époque. J'ai forcément une envie redoutable d'en découdre avec lui. Et ça fait près de 20 ans que j'attends de le faire payer.

C'est une belle idée. Je plussoies l'initiative.

831Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 20:00


Maudit du Forum

@tsubasa : Au final il faut vraiment attendre le jeu au complet, là ça reste des pièces rapportées une par une " sans réel cohésion " (en tout cas pour moi vu que je connais pas la licence). Un peu comme si on écoutait un morceau de musique piste par piste, c'est bien, mais il faut écouter le tout ensemble pour que ça prenne réellement forme.

832Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 23 Aoû - 20:51


Funk Lord
Deux interviews faites au cours de la GamesCon. Une par Famitsu, l'autre par Game*Spark.
On y apprend beaucoup de choses intéressantes sur le développement actuel du jeu, sur l'ambition de son créateur, ainsi que quelques vérités sur le teaser qui a été présenté.
Bonne lecture !

FAMITSU a écrit:
Question: To start with, could you tell us about the current state of the development?

Yu Suzuki: When we announced the revision to the release schedule the other day, our discussions with Deep Silver were already advanced. With Deep Silver to become our partner, I realized that we would be able to aim even higher than our initial goals. However, for that additional development time would be needed, so in order for us to adopt these, I set the release timing to the last half of 2018.

Q: Could you recount for us how you came to make a partnership with Deep Silver?

YS: During our search for partners, Deep Silver was recommended to us by several people. After I spoke with them in person in Munich, I became sure that I would like to partner with them, and formed my decision.

Q: Has anything changed about the development environment after gaining the new partner?

YS: Going back to what I mentioned earlier, it has enabled us to enrich the content of the game. Although revising the schedule may have caused concern, we have had a lot of encouragement from people who are excited the game will be enhanced, which I am happy about.

Q: In the latest trailer that you have released for Gamescom, the starting scene appears to show the ending of Shenmue II... can we assume that the story of Shenmue III will start from that scene?

Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 G5yUqjb

YS: By reproducing the cave from the final scene of Shenmue II using technology that's 15 or 16 years on [from Shenmue II's release], I wanted to show the difference compared to the second game; by increasing the expressiveness, I believe the story's message is heightened. Shenmue III's story starts from the day after the final scene in Shenmue II.

Q: So it really is just after, then. By the way, how do you envisage supporting game fans that have not yet played the first two games?

YS: My thought is to create a visually-based digest that introduces the past story. I haven't yet decided whether this will take the form of a movie or not, however.

Q: Something like the digest movie that accompanied Shenmue II?

YS: I think it will be something simpler than that one.
In addition, Ryo is now following the tracks of his father, so within the story there are times he recalls things from the past, and in the game he can also make international phone calls to characters from the past games. At these times the game may include his reminiscing - "I remember that time with them...".
[When dealing with the story from the past games,] relying on a single movie isn't elegant, so I think it's better to spread it out. I believe we have to make it enjoyable also for people starting from Shenmue III, but at the same time there are parts that will bring a smile to those who have played I and II.

Q: Next, I'd like to ask about the systems [games, jobs etc] in Shenmue III. You have previously talked about Bailu Village, Choubu and Baisha, and stated that there will be different ways to have fun at each. Could you give a little more detail about what those would consist of?

YS: I can't comment in depth yet, since there may be changes during as we tune the game, but at the moment, for example, we're putting a lot of effort creating them in Choubu. They also include some "Shenmue-esque" elements. Such things as tortoises, ducks and frogs will be making an appearance! [laughs]

Q: Meaning there will be some kind of game that uses them?!  There was a duck race in Shenmue II, but...

YS: There will also be a race. And I also want to include lure fishing. I have a system planned where various people will tell you about fishing spots, and you can sell the fish you've caught to earn money.

Q: Are there any other ways to make money?

YS: There will be wood-chopping.

Q: Wood-chopping! And how about forklifts...?

Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Qge9ds10

YS: Forklifts... if I don't include them, everyone will be upset with me. [laughs] Forklifts are being readied.

Q: We can't wait to find out more. Speaking of which, we'd also like to find out more about battles...

YS: It's a part that depends on playing skills, and I'd like to incorporate a new system for that. Of course, I'm also considering a new version of QTEs. Moves will become usable through a kind of skill tree, but moves will be gradually accumulated through normal play; I don't plan to make it difficult to learn new moves.

Q: Next, I'd like to ask about the characters. New characters were introduced in the Development Reports, but what kind of roles will these characters have? For a start, there was a girl holding a broom...

Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 047cfec7be901acb9cb0b3bd817ebaef_original

YS: She is someone whose existence I would like to make similar to Fang-mei in Shenmue II. I don't know to what extent we will be able to implement that aspect however...

Q: How about the lady who looks like a "Mom"?

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YS: She's a hotel owner. So you will be able to meet her on a daily basis [laughs]. Having such distinctive qualities in a character is great, isn't it.

Q: Going forward, what kind of schedule do you have planned for releasing new Shenmue III information? Will you be at the Tokyo Games Show?

YS: There's no plan to participate in the Tokyo Games Show this year. I think full-scale promotion will be a little further in the future.
My attendance at this Gamescom event is due to Deep Silver becoming a partner, and because I wanted to let everyone know that development of the game is making good progress. We will be expanding into global marketing going forward, with the year-end likely to be the earliest.

Q: I'm curious about the timing of the scheduled distribution of the trial version [reward] to backers...?

YS: Regarding the trial version, I'd like to spend time considering the best form for it to take. Ideally, I'd like it to be something along the lines of the trial version for Shenmue I.

Q: How were the reward dinners that you held with backers?

YS: It truly touched my heart. They were attended by passionate fans, and their feedback was "Yu-san, please make a game that you will be happy with".
I really feel a deep sense of responsibility.

Q: Finally, could you give a message to everyone as they look forward to the game's release?

YS: The point I'd most like to communicate is that we have gained a strong partner in Deep Silver, which has allowed us to aim for a "beefed-up" Shenmue III. Thank you to everyone for your support.

GAME*SPARK a écrit:
Question: What shape is the current development status of Shenmue 3 in?

Yu Suzuki: The other day we announced a change to the release date, but at that point talks of a publishing contract with Deep Silver were already advanced.
Working with Deep Silver also means increased stability on the budget front, and since I had been thinking in a scalable manner from the start, we have been able to set our sights a bit higher. Since that brings with it a corresponding increase in things we need to do, I extended the deadline a little.
With this new upward revision to the original plans, the number of developers has also grown slightly.
Currently, we are in full production mode.

Q: In that case, I don't suppose you could say roughly what percentage overall has been completed?

YS: I can't really comment when it comes to numbers.

Hideaki Morishita (Shenmue III's executive producer): Also, it's hard to convert into a number. There can be parts that are progressing and others that aren't, making it difficult to say.

Q: I see. With respect to the development, are there any parts you're finding hard?

YS: When I was at SEGA, there were employees who were used to working together. This time, the budget is smaller than when I was at SEGA and the staff I'm working with are people that I have hand-picked one at a time through interviews, so the personnel aspect is pretty tough. I can't just devote my time entirely to development, so the difficult part is getting it done while incorporating management.

HM: There are also things like tuning the game engine.

YS: Right. In order to use the game engine properly, it has to be maintained. In addition, to make it feel like Shenmue, we have to write a lot of shaders and so on.

Q: Quite a while has passed since Shenmue 2. Will there be anything that changes with Shenmue 3?

YS: The biggest change has to be that the game engine has changed. We're using an engine called UE4 [Unreal Engine 4]. Back in our days, the idea of a game engine didn't exist. We wrote our own game libraries and so on [at the time of Shenmue 2], so everything was hand-made.
This time, we have to use a method of creation that fits in with the game engine. Some aspects are very UE4-specific, so it's necessary to work with people who are UE4 experts things for it to go smoothly.

Q: I see. By the way, having the numbering as "Shenmue 3" may make players who haven't played the first games in the series feel a bit hesitant. Do you have any plan to reduce their resistance in that respect?

YS: Maybe I should make release it as "Shenmue 0." [laughs]

HM: I don't think that would work! [laughs]

Q: Do you plan to provide any kind of support for them within the game?

YS: Give it a subtitle: "Shenmue 3 ~ It won't bite you! ~", perhaps. [laughs]

HM: [laughs] There's a lot we're doing inside the game.

YS: I believe we need to include some kind of retrospective of 1 and 2. I don't think it needs to be terribly long. Also, [within the game] you can phone characters from Shenmue 1 and Shenmue 2, and a flashback will play.
This time you'll be starting in a village called Bailu village, where you'll meet various people, and recall things about your father and your friends... in other words, recalling things that happened at the time of the previous games.
Our aim is to use a combination of techniques, which includes doing things like adding in content from the previous titles during game play.

Q: A section of fans are clamoring for a remake of Shenmue and Shenmue 2...

YS: Well, SEGA's IP belongs to them so... we're not really in a position to speak on that.

HM: For Shenmue 3, we have received the license from SEGA on the basis of creating a new game. The license for Shenmue and Shenmue 2 belongs to SEGA, so a remake is something for them to decide.

YS: If everyone tells SEGA, something might happen.

HM: We're aware that there is quite an outcry for it. We would also welcome remakes.

Q: Shenmue has influenced a large number of games, but conversely is there anything, such as games and so on, that has influenced Shenmue 3?

YS: It would have to be the technology. We're using the UE4 engine now, so we have to use methods that make the most of it.

HM: There's not really specific titles that have been an influence.

YS: By observing games that use UE4, you can get an understanding of its characteristics and strengths, so while watching I realized "This is the kind of thing it excels at". However, I don't really know which games are using UE4. I'd comment "As I thought, UE4's great!" only to be met with "That's not UE4." [laughs]

HM: "It's Unity!" [laughs]

Q: Jumping back a little, will players who haven't yet played the previous games, be able to play Shenmue 3 without a problem?

YS: I think we have to make the game so that they can. I'd like to have someone who has never played them to try it and listen to their feedback. I think we will need to fix up any parts that have strong drawbacks.

Q: Yesterday a teaser trailer for Shenmue 3 was released...

HM: Actually, we jumped the gun on it. [laughs]

YS: There's a huge uproar.

HM: It was really planned for today [the first day of Gamescom].

YS: Boy oh boy...

Q: Many of the Game*Spark readers have also viewed it. Among the comments was a concern about the character modeling.

YS: Shenhua, Ryo and the other characters are almost all provisional.

HM: Most of the characters [that appear in it] are provisional, so in that sense there's a risk that we've caused a misunderstanding there.

YS: We still have a lot of work to do on Shenhua. [While pointing at characters] Take this one, it's a character that's close to completion. This one's provisional. This is also provisional. This one too is provisional.

Q: There were quite a number of characters pending modification present in the trailer, weren't there.

HM: That's the case, yes. In a teaser you can't attach that kind of explanation to each and every character.

YS: [Continuing to point at characters] This one's also provisional. Oh, so is this one. We do have characters that have been completed to a pretty high quality level.

HM: But they weren't ready in time for this time's video. I think the showing of the teaser this time, even in a promotional sense, was a little premature of us.
For an extremely long time, since the project was launched in 2015, we hadn't released a video publicly. This time, since a publishing contract with Deep Silver had been reached, we wanted to make an announcement that encompassed a sense of "The project development is moving forward under a new structure; please be reassured, everybody." Discussing among ourselves, there was a general agreement that such an announcement wouldn't work without images, and so our decision came about to release a video this time.
It might sound a bit like making excuses, but even though there were parts that have a long way to go and that we're not fully satisfied with, it was a case of "we can't release nothing, so let's go ahead and release it".

Q: I see. So what are you trying communicate with the video?

YS: It is merely a teaser, so: "We're making Shenmue 3. Please don't forget, OK?"

HM: "Please rest assured that we are working hard on its creation".

Q: Finally, do you have a message to all the fans who are waiting in anticipation for its release?

YS: Having gained a wonderful partner in Deep Silver, Shenmue 3 is now being given a boost. Thanks as always to everyone for continuing to give us your support.

HM: The meaning behind the video released yesterday is that we have formed an alliance with Deep Silver; the [project] structure has been robustly strengthened; and the project is making good progress.
And so, from here on, the game will improve in leaps and bounds. Going forward I think there will be increased opportunities to show the game, so I hope you'll look forward to it.

Thank you very much.

833Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Jeu 24 Aoû - 15:22


Funk Lord
Pour la petite info, le teaser de Shenmue III a récolté plus de 500 000 vues en moins de 24h sur la chaine Youtube officielle Playstation. Seule la vidéo de gameplay de Uncharted avait fait mieux (avec 90 000 vues de plus) en une journée.
Pas mal pour un petit jeu indé, non ?

834Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Jeu 24 Aoû - 18:49


Adorateur du Pal
Tsubasa a écrit:Pour la petite info, le teaser de Shenmue III a récolté plus de 500 000 vues en moins de 24h sur la chaine Youtube officielle Playstation. Seule la vidéo de gameplay de Uncharted avait fait mieux (avec 90 000 vues de plus) en une journée.
Pas mal pour un petit jeu indé, non ?

J'ai lu une bonne partie de l'interview que tu as posté et c'est bien, Yu susuki reste toujours un homme de conviction qui ne se laisse pas dicté par les standards des genres. Par contre si j'ai bien compris, il va faire une refonte des phases de baston??
Je trouvais que le Virtua fighter style (les sauts dantesques en moins) était très bien et donnait un coté pêchu justement au affrontement surtout la séquence culte contre les Mad angels dans le 1.

Tsubasa , tes stats son erronés , tu as visionné toi même la vidéo 499 999 fois Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4257297559 grugeur va Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 3856250453

835Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Jeu 24 Aoû - 19:33


Dieu de la cartouche
Ca commence à ressembler à quelque chose, c'est bien pour les fans.

Perso, je n'y connais rien à la saga mais j'aime bien ce chara design Smile

836Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 26 Sep - 20:19


Funk Lord
Petit post pour vous dire que la campagne "Slacker Backer" vient de voir son financement grimper à $6 813 403, soit presque un demi-million de dollars de plus que les $6 333 395 initialement engrangés par la campagne Kickstarter.

Le teaser de Shenmue III sur la chaine Youtube officielle PlayStation est quant à lui passé à plus de 750 000 vues.

837Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 26 Sep - 21:25


Funk Lord

838Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Sam 24 Fév - 12:08



L'air de rien, ça avance


839Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Sam 24 Fév - 12:44


Tueur de Grospixels
Il est à Monaco aujourd'hui, il va présenter des vidéos du jeu. Et il y aura une séance de dédicace. J'y serai bien allé mais ça fait un peu loin Sad

840Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Sam 24 Fév - 13:41



Dommage que mon Yacht soit en réparation, c'est tellement bien de péter plus haut que son cul à Monaco. Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 2574002215


841Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 2 Mai - 17:59


Cerbère de la Manette

La préco semble être dispo chez amazon :


842Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 16 Mai - 14:46


Diamond Dog
Repoussé à nouveau :


Bon, rien de très surprenant. Et il ne s'agit pas non plus d'un retard watermelonesque.

843Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 16 Mai - 15:48


Adorateur du Pal
Au moins la compile HD du 1et 2 sera dispo avant et laissera le temps de les refinir pour mieux se plonger dans l'ambiance du 3.

844Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mer 16 Mai - 19:19


Cerbère de la Manette

Il y avait encore des gens qui y croyaient encore à une sortie pour 2018 ?
Même pour 2019, j’ai de sérieux doutes.

845Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 7 Aoû - 21:55


Cerbère de la Manette

Mail reçu aujourd'hui  Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 2574002215


Fangamer is fulfilling rewards for Shenmue 3, and a new survey is now available! Click on "Your Backer Survey" below to finalize your address and other information. Please fill this out as soon as possible! We can't start shipping until everyone gives us their information.

846Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 7 Aoû - 22:10



Tu recevras jamais rien s'ils attendent vraiment que tout le monde ait répondu. Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4186804625

Sérieusement, y'a toujours une part non négligeable de gens qui ne répondent pas aux surveys en étant backer, c'en est dingue. Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 506850652


847Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 7 Aoû - 23:28


Seb-2.9 a écrit:Mail reçu aujourd'hui  Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 2574002215


Fangamer is fulfilling rewards for Shenmue 3, and a new survey is now available! Click on "Your Backer Survey" below to finalize your address and other information. Please fill this out as soon as possible! We can't start shipping until everyone gives us their information.

Je l'ai reçu y'a trois jours poulet ! C'est à cause de gens comme toi que le jeu à du retard Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 1394627648 Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 1394627648


848Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 7 Aoû - 23:46


Cerbère de la Manette

Battosai14 a écrit:
Seb-2.9 a écrit:Mail reçu aujourd'hui  Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 2574002215


Fangamer is fulfilling rewards for Shenmue 3, and a new survey is now available! Click on "Your Backer Survey" below to finalize your address and other information. Please fill this out as soon as possible! We can't start shipping until everyone gives us their information.

Je l'ai reçu y'a trois jours poulet ! C'est à cause de gens comme toi que le jeu à du retard Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 1394627648 Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 1394627648

Ils avaient qu'a me l'envoyer avant et j''aurais répondu plus tôt Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 3856250453

849Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Mar 21 Aoû - 12:34


Bon bah on a une date et un nouveau trailer, 29 août 2019. Merde encore 1 an à attendre...
Mais bon je pense que ça va valoir largement le coup Smile


850Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Sam 9 Mar - 22:12


Homme de verre

Un rêve qui devient réalité Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 4244696355

851Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 Empty Re: Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) Sam 9 Mar - 22:49


Tueur de Grospixels
Autant Shenhua est pas mal mais alors la gueule de Rio... Je comprends pas Shenmue 3 (PC,PS4) - Page 34 3735451766

Enfin j’arriverai à passer ce détail si je retrouve l’ambiance des premiers.

Contenu sponsorisé

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