Apparament Nintendo a prévue de sortir en édition ultra limité un Amiibo Tylano , ils disent dans leur communiqué:
"we'll made Tylano's Amiibo for reward the only man who play more than one thousands hours on Mario Kart, il't a special Amiibo, there is a button and if you push it, Amiibo says "I love Nintendo, make me bullshit and i buy it" , thanks to pre order this special Amiibobefore we sell it 100$ in EBay, thanks to our best fan" .
J'ai cherché cet Amiibo mais je ne l'ai vu nul part..
"we'll made Tylano's Amiibo for reward the only man who play more than one thousands hours on Mario Kart, il't a special Amiibo, there is a button and if you push it, Amiibo says "I love Nintendo, make me bullshit and i buy it" , thanks to pre order this special Amiibo
J'ai cherché cet Amiibo mais je ne l'ai vu nul part..